

Assalamualaikum :) Haii guys , its been awhile right . Haii bloggie , i miss you and i need you right now . Yes right now . My heart was turn into ashes right now . Maybe it already dissapeared . Maybe . The one who still not read the old post , please do . Malas nak ulang balik .

Alright , dah baca kaan ? And the result is - i was rejected . Ulang semula - rejected .

Kalau boleh aku tak nak ingt lagi psl benda ni - tapi selagi aku pendam , selagi tu aku tahu aku akan terluka . Damn , i wish anyone - sape2 je la ; dtg dekat aku , ask me why and hug me tightly . I just need someone beside me right now thats all . Ya Allah , how i wish you can turn back time , and ill tell myself - HE ALREADY HAVE SOMEONE IN HIS HEART .
 Now , only Danial & Faeiz can cheer me up :\ They know tht im in heart-broken now .Mutha fucken assholeeee rasa nak tutup je muka ni bila nampak dia . *Sigh, well aku terima dgn reda hati sekarang ni . Jiwa dh tenang sikit baru nk opdate blog :) Now MAYBE i can smile while im infront of him , like today . Hewhew . ITS SOO AWKWARD okay ? 'I wish we could pretend like nothing happened .''
Nothing happend huh ? Thats sound SYAHDU . C'mon sape tak sedih , pernantian semasa setahun kena buang mcm tu je :') No one care about it right ? I love him soo much . Hati aku mcm dh tertutup untuk terima lelaki lain . Dah terkunci dah pun , theres no way out and i wish his mine :'\ . I love him , too much .
Im hoping for LOVE , is it too much ? :')

Ya Allah , please make me face the fact that he will never ever be mine . Never ever gonna be mine . :')

Wah tekunnya baca ! Thanks for reading !

Jealousy is a ugliest tray .

Assalamualaikum bloggie . Heyy bloggie , i pledge myself - kuatkan diri nak bagitahu dia betapa sayangnya aku dekat dia kan ? Tapi aku tak fulfill pun hasrat tu :'( Aku takut nak bagitahu dia perasaan sbenar aku ni . Aku sayang dia sangat2 , aku tak nak dia reject perasaan aku ni . Aku tak nak hati aku ni luka teruk , sebab dia :'( . I LOVE HIM SOO MUCH .

Allah , im hoping a mutual love between us :'( I love him so much .

Ya Allah , kurniakanlah hamba mu keberanian , sesungguhnya hamba mu ini seorang yang lemah .

Every post yg aku tengok dkt wall dia , every comment and status , aku jeles gila bila tengok dia dgn perempuan lain . Dia puji kawan aku gorgeous . Babe , i was like - crying okay ? I felt like mcm nak ludah2 je budak perempuan tu . Ya Allah , love really can break friendship right ? :'\
Everytime i hear his favourite song , my head will start imagine - how happy WE are being together , holding hands . Ya Allah , its great and im thankful enough .
I love him for the way he are , i want to be like the song too , i want to fight for him , i want always be there for him lure his sadness . Allah . . . . . .
Pretending that i dont need you and fikirkan tentang nak lupakan kau - jiwa aku remuk gila. I reallllyyyyy want to be by your sideeeee :'(
Why i am not the one who you dont love ? Why is it me who you dont see ? Why is it me the one who have the broken hearted when i see you with someone else ? Ya Allah :'(
I need you in my life H , and i need your love .

                                                                                                      i love you so much Helmy Mohd Noor .
Wah tekunnya baca ! Thanks for reading !

A friend with benefits

Heyy , its been long time since im updating this blog. Ngee i miss you too bloggiee :) . Look ? Our friendship is the best and you know it , everything i tell you , right bloggie ? Muahh for youuu :)

Bloggie , i have some miserable time  with my friends here . Even the school holiday is nearer and nearer , but they still with the same attitude which is make me annoyed with them and make my life soo miserable . Jerk .
Actually , i dont really care what they do or make fun of me infront of my other friends . Kalau semua gelak , its okay , i understand , it was just a joke , dont take it too much of yrself , dont care about it and DONT MIND ABOUT IT . At least , that time aku masih normal BUT , aku tekankan BUT tu sekuat hati aku - kalau dah tahap memang menyakitkan hati tu , stop it lh bhai .. Enough , stop . Nk kata kalau aku diam je , mmg sampai aku balik sekolah tuu , ade lagi joke nye . TAQ PEWWNAATT KEWW ???? Aku yg dengar pun penat k ? Dan sakit hati .

Dalam hati , takpe takpe - kawan baik tuuuuuu; saje jee joke joke around like sial betul la kan ? Sampai nk ckp aku busuk la , pengaruh kwn lain jgn dekat dgn aku la . HAAHHH KAU INGT KAU WANGI SANGAATT KEEEEWWWWW NAQ SURUHHH ORG JAUH DARI AKUWWW ?????????? 

Well , mengaku la aku bau jugak sbb baru balik padang , buat aktiviti sains but wait a MINUTE dia pun buat sekali aktiviti tu ok ? Peluh keluar sama2 la , xkan aku kesana kesini berpeluh dia pun tak berpeluh kan ?
Aaahhhhh seronoknyaa tadi ketawa-ketawa :\ . Aku pun tak tahu diorang ni mmg boleh nak buat kawan ke tak ?
Seronokkan buli aku ? Seriously sakit hati doe , menyampah gilaaa sampai aku kena buat jugak status kt facebook bagi diorang tu baca !! Ingt senang2 je nak lepas ? Aku tak boleh nk bgtahu depan diorang , aku tulis je la kt situ . Sampai bila aku nak kepala aku kena pijaakkk je gelak2 ketawakan diri aku sendiri ? It seems stupid and everyone know it .
Wah tekunnya baca ! Thanks for reading !